A Father's Triumphant Story: Raising Successful African American Men In Contemporary Urban Times
Raising their children into mature, successful, well-adjusted adults is the goal of all good parents. We don't all succeed. Stacked against us are low societal expectations, destructive peer pressure, financial constraints, and yes, the childrearing foibles we inherit from our own parents. Demarre McGill and his wife overcame all these obstacles. Sons Demarre and Anthony grew into responsible and successful young men, two of the few African Americans to forge world-class careers in classical music.
Raising their children into mature, successful, well-adjusted adults is the goal of all good parents. We don't all succeed. Stacked against us are low societal expectations, destructive peer pressure, financial constraints, and yes, the childrearing foibles we inherit from our own parents. Demarre McGill and his wife overcame all these obstacles. Sons Demarre and Anthony grew into responsible and successful young men, two of the few African Americans to forge world-class careers in classical music.
Raising their children into mature, successful, well-adjusted adults is the goal of all good parents. We don't all succeed. Stacked against us are low societal expectations, destructive peer pressure, financial constraints, and yes, the childrearing foibles we inherit from our own parents. Demarre McGill and his wife overcame all these obstacles. Sons Demarre and Anthony grew into responsible and successful young men, two of the few African Americans to forge world-class careers in classical music.